I watched ‘Romeo and Juliet’first time. I have known ‘Romeo and Juliet’, just the name. I watched this on my class.
First, I write about the outline. Romeo and Juliet’s first meeting was dinner party. Romeo felled in love with Juliet at first sight. And Juliet felled in love Romeo too. They loved each other. But there was an invisible barrier between people. The Romeo family and Juliet family was enemy. But they had made a match of it. It was secret. He left from her. He heard she was killed. But it was not true. But he didn’t know that thing. So, he was very sad. She thought if a rumor was going about that she was dead, he must be come back. She had drunk the strong sleeping pill. He saw her. He thought she was dead. So, he killed himself. She woke up him side. She saw him body. She were determined she killed herself too. They died.
Second, I think Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’ is a tragedy. The conflicting feelings made a sad story. I can’t understand the ardor of art. They have strong passion. They were so young. I can’t believe die. No matter what happen. But it is very interesting movie!!
3 件のコメント:
Hi, Koyuki. I have watched "Romeo and Juliet". I have watched Romeo as DiCaprio. I recommend this movie, too.
I think that this story is very sad. When I watched this move, I was crying. But it is very interesting movie.
Hi, Koyuki. I have watched this movie. But, I have watched DiCaprio's movie. I recommend this movie, too. When I watched this movie, I was crying. But I think that it is very interesting movie.
Hello koyuki.
I watched this movie on same class.
This is very sad story.
I think I can't do like them. Maybe I can't die for my lover.(^^;
Your blog is very good. I can read your post easily!