

Learning with computers
There are a lot of computers around us. For some people, the internet is indispensable. Computer is the most essential for us. I use computer about three times in a week. When I have homework, I always use computer in my house or in the school. When I use beginner, I don’t know how to use the computer, but now I know anything. I will write about computer.
During writing III & IV
We use computer every Wednesday, because we use computer at the writing class. We use this about one year. I learned how to make blog at the first class.
We should typing speed trial every time. We type each topic. It is different topic every time. Some time it is very easy, some time not easy. I typed about 40 words at the first time. It is obscure. But I type 100 words now. It is big progress. I was not good at typing, so it was anguish for me. I was so slow. But I became better now.
There are many systems in the computer. It is world common, so we have to learn how to use the computer. I learned it naturally.
Language learning
Other (specify)
Blog posts
We have own blog. We post every week. It is our duty. And we can see other people’s post. Each people have different blog. I can see other life. Some people posted very funny things and surprise things. And I often took a picture fro this blog. I didn’t take a picture before. I can keep memories on the blog. I don’t write diary, so it is important role in our daily life.
Book reviews
I write essay. We should write over three hundred words. It is very long and difficult for me. But it is good language study for me. I can know new English words. I write essay now.
I knew about computer’s thing during writing Ⅲ and Ⅳ. I want to put my knowledge of computer to immediate account from now.
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Did you know...?
I watched ‘Did you know…?’ in the writing class. I learned any things and I realized I don’t know about our world. I was born 20 years ago, but I know only
Book review 2-25'Tales from the Arabian Night'
I read ‘Tales from the Arabian Night’. It is long story and difficult. A cruel king marries beautiful young women, but always has their heads cut off in the morning. However, his new wife, Sheherezade, is clever. Every night, she starts to tell him a wonderful story.
Every morning, the king lets his new wife live, because he wants to hear the end of story. Now you can read some of Sheherezade’s wonderful stories-and find out what happens to the story-teller herself.
Book review 2-24'TITANIC'
I read ‘TITANIC’. I have seen this movie before. I remember it is sad story. And this was daring story for me. I could read the book this time. There are many real pictures. There are folks, watch, cards, bins, bags and dishes. I could know more titanic information. Why did it hit an iceberg? Why did it sink? It is good book.
Book review 2-23'Bad Love'
I read ‘Bad Love’. It is fascinating title. It is long story. There are seven chapters in the book. It is not colorful book. ‘Jack Daly?’ Judy looked at me. ‘’He’s a very good doctor. He’s famous at the hospital.’’
‘’Oh, famous is he?’’ I said. ‘’I don’t often like famous people.’’ Judy looked into my eyes. ‘’oh, come on, Detective Laine,’’ she said, ‘’you like him! I watched you with him. All the women like him.’’
It is very difficult story for me.
Book review 2-22 'Sara Says No'
This book is very easy for me। And pictures are beautiful. The heroine is Sara. Her father is polite. He is friendly. Everybody likes him and Sara. They are selling the fruit. One day, Sara and her father were fighting. But she notices I’m unhappy and lonely. After that, they make up a quarrel. Children must help their parents. That’s life.
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WSB Bulletin 2-06
TV in Japan
I am watching TV everyday, so I think TV is very important for my life. I watch during making up, eating, free time. It is necessaries. It is resource, but also there are learn things. It is one of information tool. There are newspaper, cell phone and TV. I think TV is the best easy to understand, because we can see pictures and listen to the sound. I will write about some points on TV.
Recently, there are some qualities programs. I think some bad words are flying. It influence for many people. Especially, children are apt to influence. But, it can’t help it. Comedians has to joke evoke a laugh, so it is very difficult program.
There are many programs, because stations exist. I think each stations has own characteristic. For example, NHK in very serious station, so it is faithfulness. On the hand I think it’s good, it is not funny. The biggest program is ‘Kouhaku Utagassen’. NHK broadcasts every New Year’s Eve. I watch this every year at my home. I like it.
There are many commercial. I don’t like commercial, so I often change the program at the commercial time. People are highly susceptible to the influence of commercial, so it is important to select the right people. Recently, cosmetic’s commercial makes me attract. it is very beautiful. And I went to go shopping to buy them. I’m a lucid character.
There is cable TV in my house. It helps us often in summer, because we watch the Major Leagues Baseball game at TV. It is not broadcast a commercial broadcasting station. It broadcasts only cable TV. The cable TV is worldwide. And it is broadcasting foreign drama. We can study foreign language also.
Finally, I know about TV। I usually watch TV casually. But I thought there are some effects.
An accident

Foliage plant
TV programs
I like watching TV very much. Recently, I interesting in police drama. The name is ‘Joshi Deka’. There are two women in the drama. The heroine is Yukie Nakama. I didn’t like here before I watch this. But I like her now. She is so cool. She is good at shooting in the drama. She has good eyes than other people. The police world is almost men, so women are not strong. But, the two women are very strong. I don’t interest in police. But I think police is cool job and I want to become police, maybe only now. It is easy for me change my mind.
I went to restaurant with my mother today. The name is ‘Aruko’. It built near my house. It took 10 minutes for walk from my house. It was very beautiful restaurant. It was Christmas mood in the restaurant. And there were cute accessories. It was all hand made. I ate spaghetti, salad, bread, and muffin. But we waited so long time until we take meal. It was taste nice. I want to go again.
I went to 'Hakata Ichibandori' with Kana. My friend Misato was working here. We were going to meet her. She was very powerful. Then Kana's boyfriend came here. I met him first time. He was funny. I thought he is so bad man before I met. He was cool and he told me any advises. After Misato finish her work we ate together. I had a good time.